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The Magisterial Grand Priory of St Anthony Scotland

Welcome to the website of H.S.E Graham F Russell. Chef Mondial of The Autonomous Soveriegn Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem, the Scottish Knight Templars

Scottish Knight Templars Sovereign Military Order Temple Jerusalem(R) and IFA-OCMTH(R) are registered Trademarks of the
Sancto Hospitali de Jerusalem et Fratibus Ejusdem Militie Templi Salamonis

The Holy Hospital of Jerusalem and Knights of the Temple of Solomon


Welcome to our website. We are the Scottish Knight Templars - Holy Hospital of Jerusalem and Knights of the Temple of Solomon. If you have visited a website that does not display our patented mark as above then we have no links to them what so ever. They are not part of our Scottish Knight Templar Order. We are a Non Masonic Fraternal Brotherhood of Chivalric Knights. Our history goes back for hundreds of years and should not be mixed up with the Masonic Orders that can be found on the Internet , or any of the Neo Templar organisations formed in 1804 using the acronym's SMOTJ or OSMTH.

We are the Scottish Knight Templars. We have no links to modern day Neo Templar Organisations. We do not hold a common history to these organisations. Under our Chef Mondial H.S.E. Francis A Sherry and H.S.E. James P McGrath, we briefly became affiliated to the SMOTJ and OSMTH during the 1980's, 90's and 2000's. Due to confusion with these Neo Orders and their numerous false claims and fantasies we have broken all links and reverted back to our original Scottish Knight Templars name.

Today we work as a modern Order of Chivalry helping those we can, where we can and when we can. Although we are not a registered Charity we do charitable work for others. Currently we have Grand Priories in many countries worldwide whose members all work to help their own communities and any charities that they support. As a Christian Order we do not limit our assistance to christian organisations. We currently have many different charities and organisations that we help both physically and financially worldwide from the U.S.A through Europe, the Middle east, Asia, across Oceana and Australasia.

When a Companion becomes a Knight within our Order  we do not expect them to carry out work specifically for us! What we look for is the good in the Knight involved and encourage them to seek the work they wish to undertake to promote the Templar ideals. This work varies from Knight to Knight, we have Knights who work locally with their community assisting the young, the elderly. We have Knights that promote diversity and equality through their work. We have Knights that work promoting Charities, help fund raising. We have Knights that currently work to physically better the life of those less fortunate both home and abroad. We have supplied money to help fund projects worldwide, Medicine to hospitals that have little or no funding, Musical instruments to community bands in the middle east. No matter what the need we TRY if we can to help! nomatter the struggle or labour that it may involve.

In return we expect nothing, we want nothing and we wish for nothing. Our purpose is to help others and enjoy the experience of having been selfless in helping those who needed help. Our reward is knowing that when we pass on from this life we will have the concience to know that we tried and we did what we could.

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2013 Scottish Knight Templars Sovereign Military Order Temple Jerusalem(R)TM.


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