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Who we are..... Who we are not.... !

  • The Order of Scottish Knight Templars date from 1120 AD, brought to Scotland by King David 1st. He granted the first lands to the Order at Ballantradoch (now Temple) in Lothian in 1128 AD. 

  • We do not follow claimed line of succession in the Charter of Larmenius like neo Templar organisations as Scotland was and has continued as a Templar Order for many years and been independent of all self created Neo Templar Orders.

  • Throughout history Scottish Templars have Autonomously elected their own Grand Master, which has continued since 1309 when no guilty charges were found against our Order. Today we use the designation of Chef Mondial Granted through our affiliation with the SMOTJ whilst under the past Chef Mondial Anton Leuprecht.

  • This website is the site of our elected and re-affirmed Chef Mondial H.S.E. Graham F Russell C.M.M.M. Master of the autonomous Scottish Knight Templar Orders worldwide.

  • Our Regent The Earl-Mar in September 1745 stepped down and handed the title of Grand Master to Charles Edward Stewart in Holyrood palace Edinburgh.

  • We are not Freemasons we are Templars, Freemasons have their own Chivalric Templar Order which aligned itself alongside our Order under the mastership of Alexander Deuchar, he himself being a Jacobite Freemason and Templar.

  • If you wish more information on the Chivalric Order that takes it's membership from the Royal Arch Degrees you must contact them directly as we have no links or Masonic members.

  • Whilst under the leadership of past Chef Mondials H.S.E. Francis Andrew Sherry and H.S.E Anton Leuprecht Freemason were allowed entry to our Order. Due to a conflict of interest between the Temple and the Lodge Chef Mondial H.S.E. James P McGrath removed membership of the Order to all Freemasons in 1995.

  • The honour of Chef Mondial (Chief of the World) was an agreed title granted to Anton Leuprecht of the SMOTJ by himself and Fernando Fontes of the OSMTH to distinguish the superiority of Anton                   and the SMOTJ over that of Fernando Fontes and the OSMTH.

  • Anton Leuprecht was head of the world Autonomous Neo Templar Orders whilst Fernando Fontes was the regent. These titles were agreed in an attempt to unify the two Orders. 

  • Francis Andrew Sherry was Grand Prior of Scotland. Successor to Lord                  Master of the Scottish Knight Templars. In an attempt to also unify with the SMOTJ and the OSMTH Francis Andrew Sherry joined both the                                        Orders in the late 1960's. 

  • Francis Andrew Sherry succeeded Anton Leuprecht under the title of Chef Mondial Chief of the world on the retiral of Anton Leuprecht.

  • When Francis Andrew Sherry came into ill health in the mid 1990's, Fernando Fontes attempted to assume the title of Grand Master and prevent a successor from taking the position of Chef Mondial and ultimately being his superior.

  • Under a fragmented Order in Scotland at a meeting in the west end hotel in 1995 H.S.E. James P McGrath accepted the resignation of those attempting to assume the title of Chef Mondial in Scotland and was elected as Chef Mondial Grand Prior of Scotland by the most senior ranking officers of the Order that remained loyal to the Scottish Knight Templars.

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